Dothan City Schools – Capital Improvement Program
Project Description and Program Manager Role:
System-wide Master Planning – Program Manager – Oversaw an effort working with the Sizemore Group, Superintendent, Board, and Community in assessing current condition, capacities, and needs of the School System. Deliverables included Rezoning Maps, Reconfigurations of existing Facilities, and identification of those Facilities to be removed from operation.
Capital Improvement Program – $30 Million – Program Manager. Provided Program Management services developing a Comprehensive Capital Improvement Program that included the following:
- Identification of Improvements necessary to reconfigure existing facilities into their new School Models
- Environmental Assessments to identify all needs including; Asbestos, Mold, Air Quality, and Water Intrusion.
- Development of Specific Capital and Deferred Maintenance Improvements, their costs, and prioritization to available funding.
- Development of Specific Funding Options and their allocation to cover specific prioritized Capital Improvements.
Design Firm:
Seay Seay & Litchfield, p.c.– Mr. Raleigh J. Price
Office: (334) 791-5248
Email: rprice@sslarch.com
General Contractor:
Wyatt Sasser – Mr. Brian Ray
Cell: (334) 504-0887
Email: brian@wyattsasserconstruction.com
Dothan City Schools Board
project budget
$30 Million
Acting Superintendent: Dr. Dennis Coe
2999 Ross Clark Circle, Dothan, Alabama 36301
Office: (334) 793-1397, ext. 236201
Email: dcoe@Dothan.k12.al.us